Ariana Gomez


Artist book edition 1 of 1
Austin, TX 2023
Designed, printed and bound by the artist.

On October 14, 2023 there was a partial eclipse that could be seen in Austin, TX, my home. I wanted to explore the subtle shifts in light and time of the world descending into darkness and relate this to my mother’s feeling of displacement within the Texas landscape, a home she has become tethered to out of necessity rather than love of this earth. Her rooted home is Puerto Rico, a place she hasn’t lived in since she was eight years old. I setup a camera and took video as my mother watched the eclipse attempting to connect to this collective spiritual moment. Afterwards, with the video not holding much context for me, I decided to create a simple book to more clearly articulate the depth of my mother’s feelings. As the book moves through time slowly, the light of the pages shift with it, attempting to mimic that feeling of partial darkness of the world, and her displacement and unease in a place she’s never called home.


Artist book edition 1 of 1
Austin, TX 2023
Designed, printed and bound by the artist.

On October 14, 2023 there was a partial eclipse that could be seen in Austin, TX, my home. I wanted to explore the subtle shifts in light and time of the world descending into darkness and relate this to my mother’s feeling of displacement within the Texas landscape, a home she has become tethered to out of necessity rather than love of this earth. Her rooted home is Puerto Rico, a place she hasn’t lived in since she was eight years old. I setup a camera and took video as my mother watched the eclipse attempting to connect to this collective spiritual moment. Afterwards, with the video not holding much context for me, I decided to create a simple book to more clearly articulate the depth of my mother’s feelings. As the book moves through time slowly, the light of the pages shift with it, attempting to mimic that feeling of partial darkness of the world, and her displacement and unease in a place she’s never called home.